Thursday, November 6, 2008

Christmas Letter Blog

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to our Dearest Family & Friends!

Can you believe it has been another year already? Well, it has been a good one for us. We were married on June 27th, here in Arizona. It was so great to have a lot of our family and friends out here for the wedding. We were blessed to have 3 wonderful wedding showers thrown by several special friends. They were all very fun! Before the wedding, the girls had a good time with all the pampering we did, and the boys had their share of fun at the Go-Kart Race Track. We were blessed by so many people helping us make our day very beautiful and special. Thank you so much to all who made our day so special! We appreciate all of you. We had such a fun time hanging out with people at both our rehearsal dinner and wedding reception. If you would like to see or print out any photos from the week of the wedding, please visit our site on Shutterfly: ( -Please contact me for the password.). (If you do want to print photos and receive free shipping, just have them deliver your prints to your local Target Store ( We will upload more photos to in the future.

(The Honeymooners)

After the wedding we drove up north to Payson, Arizona, where some dear family friends let us have their home for our Honeymoon weekend. After the weekend, we both returned to work. Craig is still working as a Helicopter Flight Instructor at Quantum Helicopters in Chandler, Arizona. He is getting closer to his 1,000 hours needed to move on to his next level as a pilot. When he reaches this milestone, he will begin to look for his next job. We are considering locations where I can also complete my Masters Degree and become a Speech Pathologist/Therapist. This includes several Online Programs that don't require us to live near campus. Nothing is set in stone, though. I have a couple classes left to complete my Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science through Arizona State University. I added a Minor in Religious Studies during the Fall Semester. I hope to be done by Summer 2009. Then I get to wait to see if I get into Graduate School. Please pray for me. I want to get into a good Graduate Program and eventually head into the Feeding and Swallowing area of Speech Therapy. I have gained some very valuable experience working at Banner Hospitals in the area for the last 2 years. In August, I took a position as a referral coordinator in a Pediatric Therapy office near our apartment, called Horizon Pediatric Therapy. I have been working there since August, and it has been a great experience. I work with some wonderful people. I am currently taking all my classes online, so I can work more hours. It's been really nice not having to drive to campus everyday this semester.


(Thanksgiving with Cousin Brett)

Craig's parents came out for a short visit one weekend in September and they all went Skydiving. Yes, I know, they are all crazy. I, on the other hand, am not that crazy, so I just videotaped them from the ground. They had it videotaped and photos taken from the air. They had a great time and were on an adrenaline rush the rest of the day/weekend. We played Wii and WiiFit (Interactive Video Games) with them and had a great time hanging out. My mom has been out in Arizona off and on visiting and keeping up their home in Queen Creek. My brother, Matt, and niece, Hadessa, came out for a conference in October and got to spend some time with us. We had a great time playing Wii and WiiFit and hanging out. We sort of celebrated Christmas with them while they were here, since we won't see them at Christmas this year. Craig's mom and sister came out in November for the Women's Retreat at our church as well. We had a great time. Craig's cousin, Brett was stationed in Southern Arizona for Military Intelligence, so he stayed with us for a couple days in November, and for Thanksgiving. Those guys are quite a pair when they get together. They had a lot of fun with their RC Helicopters. We plan to spend Christmas and New Years with family as much as we can. We will do our best. It's been a full, but great year. We feel very blessed. So, from our family to yours, we wish you a blessed Christmas and New Year. God bless!

(Wedding Photos)

You can keep in touch with us at the following web addresses:

You can also e-mail us at the following e-mail addresses:

(Our first Christmas Tree...It's so cute and little.)


In His Love,

Craig and Heather Kleinhans